Friday, April 13, 2007

My Final Farewell

Well, I suppose this is my final blog entry for this class; I have really enjoyed this experience and am now considering making a blog that I can write in on a daily basis, it is actually kind of therapeutic. Thanks again for the great Semester Dr. Jones and good luck on your exams everyone, I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Belle's Stratagem

The Belle's Stratagem clearly speaks about the oppression of women experienced by females during the Patriarchal centuries that followed Cowley's play's premiere because from what I understand, during the eighteenth century, many women playwrights got little exposure, often having to "funnel their writing through theatres dominated by men" (Barker). It is commonly believed that many women drama writers' work has been lost or was given to men, so that the male's may wrongly take credit for the female's work. However, because of the strong female protagonist in Cowley's play, I am assuming that it was not claimed by a man because of its very powerful female protagonist?? This is very refreshing, especially after all of the oppressed women writers and characters that we have studies this term. What an excellent way to finish this course.

Good luck on your exams everyone!

Monday, April 9, 2007

~`Happy Easter`~

Hey Everyone,

I just wanted to wish you all a safe and Happy Easter weekend! I hope that you all get your fill of turkey, gravy and stuffing, and I look forward to seeing you all in our final English class this Thursday! Happy Easter!


Monday, April 2, 2007

The School for Scandal

This play reminds me somewhat of Jane Austin’s novel "Emma". The struggle for money to be in a higher social class, trying to manipulate people so that one can be with the person they admire, and the telling of lies and malicious gossip among one another until the mum topics are over heard, (or figured out), are all evident in both texts.
That being said, the lack of
true honor is also evident since nearly everyone in this play is incredibly deceitful: The gossips are completely without honor; Lady Teazle is considering abandoning the lessons about honor that she learned growing up in the country; Joseph is
ready to betray his brother to obtain a wealthy wife; and Charles is in great debt to moneylenders;even Sir Oliver, whose honor should be above question, is ready to assume a disguise to test his nephews' honor (Brown).
With all of this deceit happening in one play, I sometimes
found myself being a little confused. But in the end when everything worked out for the better, I some how put the pieces together, the more that I think about this play, the more that I like it.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

The Beggar's Opera: A Unique Masterpiece

The Beggars Opera is a very refreshing read since it is so different from the rest of the plays assigned to us this semester. Thanks to the footnotes and some research I have learned that this play satirizes higher class citizens as well as the Italian Opera. However, it is very interesting to note the difference between the rich and poor because this unfair treatment is still evident today. In this play, the people like Macheath who were thrown into jail, and could pay to live some what comfortable within their jail-cell could do so at a certain price:

Lockit: Look, ye, Captain, we know what is fittest for our prisoners. When a gentleman uses me with civility, I always do the best I can do to please him. – Hand them down, I say. – We have them of all prices, from one guinea to ten, and ‘tis fitting every gentleman should please him-self"

Because Macheath can afford the ten guinea, he is awarded the best and most comfortable chains that “sit as easy as a glove, and the nicest man in England might not be ashamed to wear them” (825). By poking fun of the unfair treatment between social classes in his play, Gay attacks the judicial system in a very effective way. It does not matter if some of the examples of punishment are extreme when compared to modern day judicial punishments; The Beggar's Opera is just enjoyable to read, or watch in performance, now as it ever was because the basic point of the play is a facet of human behavior that will always be with us, and it is summed up beautifully by the beggar at final lines of the play: But think of this Maxim, and put off your Sorrow, The Wretch of To-day, may be happy To-morrow. (846)

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Bold Stroke for a Wife

Susanna Centlivre's A Bold Stroke for a Wife is a very funny and romantic tale. Even though from the very beginning I knew how the ending would turn out, there were still some surprises hidden within this play that shocked me. One of the experts that shocked me the most was Periwinkle's advice to Colonel Fainwell about family:

Periwinkle: Pish! Women are no rarities. I never had any great taste that way. I married, indeed, to please a father and I got a girl to please my wife; but she and the child (thank heaven) died together. Women are the very gewgaws of the creation; play things for boys, which, when they write man, they ought to throw aside.

I am just very interested, and a little disturbed, about the attitude towards women within this play. Although the Colonel only agrees with Periwinkle to humour him, it is still a little frustrating to hear him (as well as Periwinkle) speak in such a way. Do anyone perhaps think that the author may have put in this ridiculous character, who makes such statements, to satirize and make fun of the revolting patriarchal conventions that were practiced within this time?

Sunday, March 18, 2007

The Beaux Stratagem By George Farquhar

I do not have a lot to say about "The Beaux Stratagem" but, I am just wondering if anyone else thought about the horrible picture of marriage that is painted within this play? The expert that I will present at the end of my blog is very heart breaking. After reading this play, I thought about how disgusting and utterly awful it must have been for poor Mrs.Sullen to night after night be raped by her drunken husband, Sullen. It is awful! (even though it is only suttly mentioned in this expert) And to think that he feels that it is his right as a husband to commit those acts every night is even more disturbing. It makes me wonder how often that happened in the past...and still today. Sullen claims that because he is "justice of the peace and must do nothing against the law" (707) that he is obligated, because a sexual encounter with someone else is against the law, to be a "good citizen" by going home in a disgustingly drunken state to rape his wife:

Squire Sullen: Ay, sir; and unless you have pity upon me, and smoke one pipe with me, I must e’en go home to my wife, and I had rather go to the devil by half.

Sir Charles. But I presume, sir, you won’t see your wife to-night; she’ll be gone to bed. You don’t use to lie with your wife in that pickle?

Squire Sullen: What! not lie with my wife! why, sir, do you take me for an atheist or a rake?

Charles: If you hate her, sir, I think you had better lie from her.

Squire Sullen: I think so too, friend. But I’m a justice of peace, and must do nothing against the law.

Sir Charles: Law! as I take it, Mr. Justice, nobody observes law for law’s sake, only for the good of those for whom it was made.

Squire Sullen. But, if the law orders me to send you to jail, you must lie there, my friend.

Sir Charles. Not unless I commit a crime to deserve it.

Squire Sullen. A crime? ’oons, an’t I married?

Sir Charles. Nay, sir, if you call a marriage a crime, you must disown it for a law.

Squire Sullen. Eh! I must be acquainted with you, sir.—But, sir, I should be very glad to know the truth of this matter.

Sir Chas: Truth, sir, is a profound sea, and few there be that dare wade deep enough to find out the bottom on’t. Besides, sir, I’m afraid the line of your understanding mayn’t be long enough.

Squire Sullen: Look’ee, sir, I have nothing to say to your sea of truth, but, if a good parcel of land can entitle a man to a little truth, I have as much as any He in the country.

Bonniface: I never heard your worship, as the saying is, talk so much before.

Squire Sullen: Because I never met with a man that I liked before.

Boniface. Pray, sir, as the saying is, let me ask you one question: are not man and wife one flesh?

Sir Charles: You and your wife, Mr. Guts, may be one flesh, because ye are nothing else; but rational creatures have minds that must be united.